Frio River is not just a blog, but an information resource.
As avid outdoorsmen, we have always found it tedious looking for information while planning a trip somewhere by having to look in a hundred different places to find it. Taking this into consideration, we decided to build a one-stop-information-shop here at to help folks that have been in the same predicament, find exactly what they need in order to have the best experience possible.
So, why take the time to create this website? – you may ask. We love to teach others and realize that the benefits that come from networking and sharing information can be truly limitless. That, and we love to talk and write about the great outdoors.
-Dave G.

David J. Granger is a Coast Guard veteran and avid outdoorsman that loves to hunt, fish and camp. As a kid, Dave earned the rank of Eagle Scout and has spent hundreds of nights in tents, under tarps, in sleeping bags under the stars next to fires small and large.
Fun Fact: On two occasions in the 1990’s Dave and friends were run out of the Sam Houston National Forest and again out of Martha Chapel Cemetery, respectively, by things they could not explain.